Focus-Derived Creatures
There will always be contenttion when it comes to categorizing focus-dervied creatures. This list is not intended to be exhaustive. Rather, it is a work in progress that highlights many of the curious creatures whose nature is only explained through the influx of focus.

The Levitaur
Similar in appearance to a robust and muscular antelope, it has short stiff fur that shimmers with a natural iridescent sheen. The Levitaur has four strong hoofed legs, connected together by a clear membranous webbing.They have a pair of vestigial wings which, while they don’t provide any real lift, do aid in aerial movement and direction. Along the Levitaur’s spine are a row of soft, feather-like protrusions that gleam with bioluminescence at night and are also used in both communication and mating displays.
The most remarkable aspect of the Levitaur is its levitation organ—a gas filled bladder internally connected to its respiratory system.This enables the Levitaur to control its buoyance. The webbing on/between its legs (as well as it vestigial wings) allows it to maneuver effortlessly in the air.
The Levitaur has complex courtship rituals, with intricate displays of luminescent patterns and aerial acrobatics. After mating, the female Levitaur gives birth to live young, usually twins, after a seven-month gestation period. The calves are born with the ability to levitate, but it takes several weeks before they can control their buoyance and height.
Levitaurs are herbivores, grazing on grass and recent growth of leaves and shoots (often the top of trees). Levitaurs seem to get their liquid nourishment from clouds. It is surmised that not only does the liquid intake come from the clouds, but this aids in hydrogen production, which apparently provides a portion of the gas in their levitation bladder.
Levitaurs mature quickly, reaching adulthood in roughly 1year, and can live for upwards of 18 to 20 years. They generally live in small familial herds of 15-20 and roam the savannah and light woodlands.
They are diurnal, spending roughly 60% of their day on the ground and the rest in the air. At night, they rest in secluded areas, almost always floating 3 – 5 Trants above the ground to avoid predators.
Even though they have few natural predators, they remain vigilant. They were a natural food source for Dragons in the earlier part of this Age when dragons were much more common. Their primary threat now comes from aerial predators (Giant Tarks and Skycreamers) as well as humans, quem, and alfay who hunt them for their meat – and for their gas bladders which are not only considered a delicacy, but are also an important ingredient in creation of some elixirs and potions of alchemists.
To defend against threats, Levitaurs use their agility and group coordination. The group forms protective circles around the aged and young, emitting disorientating luminescent signals and performing erratic aerial maneuvers to confuse and evade assailants.
The Ursilox

The Verdant Shadow
The Ursilox is an impressive and imposing creature that inhabits forests throughout Trexlin. It resembles a bipedal colossal bear in terms of its muscular and robust physique. Its arms are longer than the front legs of a bear and it has clawed, dexterous paws and a masked visage reminiscent of a raccoon. Its fur is a molted array of greens and browns that seamlessly blends into the dense woodlands where it roams. This fearsome creature is aggressive and exhibits an uncanny level of base intelligence capable of setting rudimentary traps and using simple tools. They have a low level language capability. The Ursilox stands roughly 2 trants tall, can weigh between 25 and 40 sacks, and has a life span of roughly 60 years.
Ursilox are solitary creatures generally and claim a territory of roughly 1000 truefields. They prefer well established older forest areas of dense trees which they navigate with incredible agility. Their ability to move quickly and silently even through heavy growth has earned them the moniker ‘verdant shadow’. The Ursilox prefers to hunt at night and in the early morning. Its diet is largely carnivorous, comprising games such as deer, boar,and large forest animals. However, they have a penchant for roots, nuts, and fruits with a particular fondness for honey.
The Ursilox will typically hibernate during the month of Freyog. They are especially aggressive in the late fall and spring during these times Ursilox have been known to hunt for sport, killing indiscriminately.
During the month of Tellog, when the luminous plant moonbloom flowers, Ursilox greedily consume these - it has a placating effect on them. This coincides with their mating season. The gestation period of the Ursilox is roughly 6 months, at which time the female Ursilox gives birth to one or two cubs. Generally, this occurs during the month of Bricog.These cubs stay with their mother for about 3 years before they are sent off to claim their own territory.
The Seablade

The Seablade is a powerful and imposing apex predator throughout the Everblue, distinguished by it reflective teal-colored scales and a dorsal ridge of large razor-sharp spikes that run from head to tail. The spikes are normally translucent, but when angered, the Seablade’s spikes turn a deep crimson as a warning. These spikes are an incredibly hard chitinous substance.
The Seablade’s body is, at maturity, 4 to 7 Trants long and it can weigh up to 18 wagons. It has an elongated, streamlined body for efficient movement through the water. It has two arm-like appendages with claw-like hands that are attached under the forward belly of the creature.
The Seablade also has a pair of massive wings with a wingspan that doubles its body length. These wings are webbed and muscular and allow the creature to swiftly move through the water, but also enable them to leap into the air and soar for short distances when hunting and migrating. The wings tuck neatly against the creature's flanks when not in use. Its eyes, large and multi-faceted, provide the Seablade with keen eyesight both above and below the water.
The Seablade typically swims without the use of its wings,and can propel itself through the water at an average speed of 4.6 RT per chime(abbreviated RTr/Ch), with short bursts up to 15 RTr/Ch. However, by using its wings it can swim at sustained speeds of up to 25 RTr/Ch – with short bursts of up to 60 RTr/Ch.
The Seablade can launch itself into the air for short flights (generally of 1 Royal Trant or less). However, with favorable conditions, Seablades have been observed airborne for over 3 Royal Trants. In order to “fly” they typically will build up speed underwater and launch from the water at speeds of at least 40 RTr/Chime.
The Seablade is a solitary hunter, typically patrolling coastlines, and occasionally the open seas for prey. They prey on large fish (including many sharks) and sea mammals (dolphins, seals, walrus, sperm whales, etc). They are known to attack ships to snatch crew from the rigging or decks and drag them to their death in the deep. There have also been reports of them sinking ships by raking the bottom of the ship with their ridge of sharp dorsal spikes..
They employ both ambush and pursuit tactics, often launching from the water unexpectedly in a dazzling display to snatch prey from the ocean surface or the air. Though mostly silent, in order to communicate or threaten rivals, and they can emit a deep sonorous call that can travel 10s of Royal Trants underwater.
They prefer cool temperate waters, particularly thriving around coastal areas with biodiversity and abundant food sources. They are intelligent, and will stalk shipping lanes for an easy meal.
They nest in large underwater reefs or caves. They continue to grow (slowly) throughout their lifespan, which can last up to two centuries. While the typical Seablade is 4 to 7 trants long, there are reports of Seablades reaching 15 to 20 Trants. They reach maturity at roughly 20 years. Females lay a clutch of eggs once every decade. The young, when hatched, are precocial, but often fall prey during their first few years (to sharks and other Seablades). A clutch of eggs will generally hatch 10 – 25 Seablades, with only 2 – 4 surviving past the 5 year mark - at which point they become formidable predators.
The Gladestride Scorpidon

The Gladestride Scorpidon is a majestic and powerful creature native to the Desert of Fire and the Bonesand Wastes. It is said that the Scorpidons were created by the desert God Majar (of the Zanne pantheon) to serve as a companion to the Zanne and to aid in their survival in the harsh desert environment. They are resilient, fierce, and loyal.
Standing and imposing 1 1/2 trants tall at the shoulder with a body length that can reach up to 4.75 trants from head to tail, they can weigh from 56 to 78 sacks, making the Gladestride Scorpidon a creature of awe. Somewhat resembling a fusion of scorpion and lion, its muscular feline head and front section of the body are covered in short velvety fur which provides insulation from the extreme desert temperatures. The rear section of the scorpidon is a chitinous exoskeleton. The creature’s head is broad and lionlike, with piercing eyes adapted to the blinding sunlight of the desert. It has a full mane that frames its head. Its fur is commonly a sandy color, allowing it to blend seamlessly with its environment.
The scorpidon features powerful retractable claws on each of its legs (which can range from 4 legs to 8 legs) and a long flexible tail that terminates in a scorpion like stinger. Its stinger contains a strong paralytic venom used for both hunting and defense.
The most striking feature of the scorpidon is a set of membranous wings (resembling those of a dragonfly), ordinarily folded along its flanks. When unfurled, they allow the Scorpidon to catch the desert winds and leap great distances. While unable to sustain flight, this ability provides significant mobility in pursuing prey or evading threats.
The Scorpidon prefers to sleep buried in the sand. If living in the wild (an untamed / unattached) the scorpidon will dig an underground burrow. The female of the species lays clutches of leathery eggs. Once hatched, the young Scorpidons are independent and must immediately adapt to fend-off predators. During their juvenile phase the Scorpidon’s wings are not yet developed, and the venom of its tail stinger is less potent.
As they grow they undergo several molts shedding their rear exoskeletons and growing larger. Their adolescence is marked by strengthening of their wings and the development of their deep haunting roar, which is known to strike fear in those confronted by it.
At about the five-year mark, the scorpidon reaches maturity. At this point, their wings are fully formed and can carry them across the desert at great speeds. They can average speeds of roughly 7 RTr/ChH with short bursts of speed of up to 23 RTr/Ch for up to a full bell. In sprints and runs of a very short distance, a scorpidon can achieve speeds of up to 48 RTr/Ch.
It is around this time that a scorpidon is ripe for bonding with a Zanne. This process is dangerous and involves displays of mutual respect and strength. Once the scorpidon bonds with a Zanne, that bond is for life. Either party will lay down their life for the other. The scorpidon has unwavering loyalty to its Zanne (and vice versa).
As a creature of great vitality and endurance, scorpidons can live upwards of 150 years. They are in their prime from about age 15 to 70.They age gracefully, with most maintaining their mobility and strength till the end. The oldest recorded Scorpidon lived for 210 years. Zanne typically attempt to bond with his Scorpidon when the Zanne is in their mid to late 30s.
Old age of the scorpidon is marked by gradual graying of the fur in mane and decline in their sensory capabilities. When a scorpidon senses its time is come, it will wander off to the depths of the desert to die. It is not uncommon, especially for warrior Zanne to accompany their scorpion to their death - the bond is that strong. It is therefore only the bravest and most strong-willed Zanne who seeks such a bonding.
The scorpidon has a modified infrared vision in addition to normal eyesight. It can detect even minute changes in temperatures between 150T to 250T. Their heat vision does not work below temperatures of 120 T. Within their operational range they can detect objects as small as a mouse at distances up to 150 trants. This means they can generally see through illusions and invisibility.
The Gorlish

Little is known of the enigmatic Gorlish – except that they are fearsome creatures that inhabit deep forests and control powerful magics. The information contained herein was derived from the exhaustive notes of Master Sage Potolamy, who purposely merged with a Gorlish for research. According to his notes, which start explicit and eventually fall into delirious ramblings, he had taken extreme precautions to prevent himself from falling completely under Gorlish control. Apparently, these failed. It is thanks to him we have some information on this dangerous and mysterious creature.
The Gorlish are compact, small creatures that appear as almost a hellish cross between a starfish and an octopus. They are deep purple to black in color. They have multiple starfish like limbs, with a leathery bulbous central top, and a semi-mucous bottom. Their limbs are tipped with suckers to facilitate movement. Their limbs branch out from the central leathery bulbous center, equidistance from one another, allowing for 360 degrees of navigation, but also a peculiar undulating gait. They move by both pushing with their limbs and by using their suckers to adhere to surfaces and pull themselves along. They range in size from as small as 0.1 Trants to as large as almost a full trant wide and tall.
The Gorlish has the bulbous leathery “head” with four to fourteen eyes, around the circumference of their head, and one at the apex. This gives them a panoramic vision which contributes to their collective sentience and heightened awareness of their surrounds. Their mouth, on the underside of the body at its center, serves as both a means of ingestion, but also a mode of attack and defense.
The Gorlish share a collective hive-mind consciousness, with every individual (within the specific collective) directly connected to the“hive-mind” – regardless of distance. The collective doesn’t have a ‘leader’ in the true sense. Rather, the collective function based on greater need. A ‘controlling’ Gorlish manages this – but it is not an individual – the controlling Gorlish can shift to any member of the collective at any time. Usually, it is the Gorlish who is physically central to all members of the collective at any point in time.
The Gorlish societal structure is non-hierarchal within their collective – individuality is suppressed in favor of the collective mind. The collective assigns certain roles to individual Gorlish (defense, intelligence, scouting, rituals, etc.). The concept of family/friends does not resonate with them. Each member is intrinsically tied to the survival and function of the whole. This doesn’t mean lack of identity, but their sense of self is so deeply integrated into the whole that it is inseparable.
The Gorlish has two food needs. They feed on dead flesh (they prefer flesh that has already begun to putrefy) but they also ‘consume’ focus. They tend to situate their communities at focal line junctions and aggressively defend their focus sources. The Gorlish have a strong enmity of wizards – or any users of focus as it takes away from their food source.
Through the collective, what one Gorlish knows – all Gorlish of that collective know. While they are predominately only concerned with their ‘territory,’ they do send out members into the world to keep track of outside events (to locate and secure powerful magical artifacts that the collective can consume).
The Gorlish have a strong affinity for focus. Through the power of the collective, they can create extremely powerful and detailed illusions – nearly impossible to break. They can also use their focus ability to reanimate organic tissue (from small body parts to entire beings). They often use these reanimated beings to serve as warnings (they can speak/communicate through them) and to perform actions for which they are not physically suited.
The Gorlish can also take over any creature – and control them. This is not a simple process. The Gorlish will use its suckers to attach to the flesh of a creature. It can then inject a paralytic agent. While paralyzed, the girlish slowly attaches itself to the creature. If the Gorlish can maintain this attachment for at least a chime, that’s all the time it needs to make the attachment permanent – the Gorlish and the creature are fused together as one. This fusion allows the Gorlish to move about the world, generally undetected. The higher the intelligence of the host, the longer the fusion can last.
For example, if a Gorlish fuses with a wolf, that fusion might last up to 3 months. While A Gorlish that fuses with a human could last 7 to 10 years. The Gorlish is slowly absorbed into the host's body over a period of 3 to 6 weeks, usually leaving a deep purple starship shaped mark on the host. This fusion rapidly ages the host (aging is roughly 10x faster than normal). Death of the host kills the Gorlish as well.
From outward appearances, it is nearly impossible to identify a Gorlish host, save for the star-shaped scar left at the point of the merger. The Gorlish controls the host, but relies on the host's memories. In this way, the entire collective has access to the host's memories.
We can now confirm with certainty, the Gorlish are no mere myth.
The Shadowmaw

The Shadowmaw is a terrifying amalgamation of shadow and bone, and those who come into contact with one are seldom left to describe it. It is believed that they come from a space between realms – often referred to by sages as the Shadowway. Those who have purported to see them claim they stand over two trants tall. Its body appears almost skeletal, covered in a slick, dark exoskeleton that seems to absorb light. Its elongated limbs end in razor-sharp claws, and its head, devoid of eyes, has a gaping maw filled with rows of needle-like teeth, capable of devouring anything in its path. Wisps of shadowy essence trail from its form, flickering in and out of existence.
Research suggests that Shadowmaws are nocturnal creatures, emerging from the depths of the earth, materializing from the darkest corners of the world, or ripping through weak spots in the fabric of reality at night. They are solitary hunters, stalking their prey with relentless determination and silence. They feed on the fear and life force of their victims, often leaving desolated areas in their wake where nothing grows.
Shadowmaws do not form societies, as they are solitary creatures by nature. However, legends tell of the Shadowway, a twisted mirror of our world, where these creatures gather, drawn by a mysterious force or entity that commands their allegiance. In this realm, the Shadowmaws are said to perform rituals that strengthen the fabric of darkness in the world, allowing them to pass more freely into our realm.
The Shadowmaw possesses several unique abilities. It can blend seamlessly with the shadows, becoming invisible to the naked eye until it strikes. It feeds on the fear of its prey, which heals its wounds and strengthens it; the more terrified the victim, the more powerful the Shadowmaw becomes. With a touch, it can bind a victim’s soul, controlling their actions or paralyzing them with fear. Additionally, its roar can tear through the fabric of reality, opening rifts to its dark realm through which other Shadowmaws can emerge .

The Sandreaver
Within the sand sea of southern fires roams the formidable sandreaver. With a body that somewhat resembles an enormous rhinoceros, it stands 2 1/4 trants tall and can be up to 6.7 trants long. It can weigh up to three wagons (150 sacks). It has an extremely thick sand colored hide. The sandreaver has short but powerful legs with thick claws that can grasp the sand and rock - ideal for both burrowing as well as scaling rocky outcrops, even with its enormous size.
Adorning its head are a pair of large curved horns made of some sort of crystalline substance which captures and reflects sunlight. This creates a dazzling display meant to warn any who dare approach. The sandreaver has 2 deep-set eyes but his vision is limited to short distances - it relies on detecting movement. The sandreaver’s mouth is a large circular orifice with an abundance of rather sharp teeth.
Sprouting from both sides of its upper flanks are long thin tube-like structures which end in a sucker like tip. There are many on each side and the sandreaver has precise control of these appendages. These serve several functions. When hunting, a frequent tactic has the sandreaver bury itself completely in the sand with but the tips of these tubes just at the surface level. In this instance, the tubes serve as a detection device, sensing any vibrations or movements in the area. Using these multiple sensors, the sandreaver can tell the size distance and direction of potential prey. In this configuration, the tubes can also collect any moisture from the air.
In combat, these tubes act like whips and can flay opponents.they can also, with their sucker, attach to exposed skin and with powerful suction, suck blood from their prey.
The sandreaver is a highly territorial creature with a solitary nature only coming together once every seven years with others of its kind to mate. During this time, sandreavers are especially aggressive and can be found in herds of up to 20 creatures. It has remarkable intelligence and can communicate with others via a complex system of low frequency rumbles which can travel great distance under the sand.
A sandreaver’s diet consists of camels, scorpidons, unweary travelers and some plants.
These creatures are oviparous, laying clutches of three to five large Pearl like iridescent eggs every seven or 14 years in secluded underground chambers which the creature will create. The young are precocial, born fully able to fend for themselves. They will, however, stay with their mother for up to 14 years, at which time they will claim a territory of their own. They do not reach sexual maturity until about 30 years, and have a lifespan of three to four centuries, making them the true masters of their domain.
The sandreaver has evolved extraordinary survival capabilities, enabling them to thrive in the harsh environment of the Southern Fires. Their hide not only provides excellent camouflage but is exceptionally tough - impervious to the stings of most venomous desert creatures. Even the mighty stinger of the Gladestride Scorpidon has difficulty piercing the sandreaver's skin, especially the skin of older sandreavers. Their high toughens with age. This extra thick hide also protects them from the powerful sand storms known to pass through the desert. Sandreavers spend most of the hottest portion of the day buried in the sand to avoid midday heat. To conserve water, the sandreaver derive most of its moisture from its food and can filter its own blood through special membranes in its nostrils to extract precious moisture from its own respiration.

The Dragon
There is always contention when attempting to classify the mighty Dragons for which this Epoch is named. Arguments between learned sages continue as to the proper classification: are they another of the major races - are they creatures of focus influence - are they direct manifestations of the gods? It is the contention of this member of the Sodality that Dragons are all three: the creation of God Rothlender, the Dragon Lord; Creatures of Focus, having been infused at the beginning of the Epoch through the explosion of Focus that washed through all realms; and as a hyper-intelligent race (albeit small in numbers).
In the year 17,315GR began the Epoch of Dragons, when the wave of focus revitalized the world. At this time, the god Rothlender assumed the title of Dragonlord and let loose the horde of Dragons. We know that he created nine great dragons, who bred, unchccked for many years. It is written that by 386 EoD (17,701GR), there were more than two thousand of these great beasts.
Dragons are the direct creations of the god Rothlender, the Dragon Lord. He designed them with immense power and intelligence, making them formidable beings. At the beginning of the Epoch of Dragons, an explosion of Focus washed through the realms and infused the dragons, enhancing their abilities and binding them to the essence of the mystical force. Dragons are not just beasts but a hyper-intelligent race, capable of complex thoughts, strategies, and possessing a deep understanding of the focus and skilled in its use.
Rothlender's initial creation included nine great dragons, each with unique abilities and traits. These great dragons served as the progenitors of the dragonkind that now populate the world. Their legacy includes a wide variety of dragon types, each adapted to different environments and roles within the world's ecosystem. By 386 EoD (17,701GR), the dragon population had surged to over two thousand. This increase in numbers had a significant impact on the world, as dragons became dominant forces in their respective territories. They influenced the balance of power, the spread of magical energies, and the development of various cultures and civilizations.
Dragons are classified according to their color and abilities. Since most dragons have vivid colored scales that shimmer, convention has assigned them to broad categories, named for their skin color.
Ruby Dragons are known for their fiery breath and fierce tempers, making them among the most feared and respected. They often claim mountainous regions and hoard vast treasures.
Sapphire Dragons are masters of the skies, with an affinity for water, and have been known to use focus to control the weather in their immediate area. They are often found in coastal or desert regions.
Emerald Dragons inhabit dense forests and jungles. They have an affinity for the natural world and use their knowledge of focus in the mastery of poison and plant manipulation to dominate their territories.
Onyx Dragons reside in swamps and marshlands, known for their corrosive saliva, which they can spit tens of trants. They are cunning and deadly.
Diamond Dragons are adapted to the coldest environments, specializing in elemental focus use, especially using cold-based attacks with focus. They make their homes in the icy tundras and mountains.
Despite their fearsome nature, dragons do possess a complex society. They often live solitary lives, ruling over their domains with absolute authority. However, they do come together for important events such as breeding, and significant focal occurrences. Dragons have a complex relationship with other races. The Threv despise all dragonkind, and during the time known as the DragonPurge (2618 – 2647 EoD), the Threv led a campaign whose sole goal was the elimination of all dragonkind. Thousands of dragons were killed during this time. Today, those dragons that remain are the most clever and deadly of their breed. It is estimated that fewer than 100 dragons still exist.