Races of Trexlin
Races of Trexlin


The general consensus is that there are the seven major sentient races who have sustained unique cultures. There is always argument from some scholars who feel a number of intelligent / semi-intelligent creatures should be recognized as primary races. It is not within the scope of this project to debate this. Rather, contained herein are brief overviews of the major seven races: The Alfay, The Threv, The Shen, The Zanne, The Humans, The Quem, and The Goeb.

An alfay male.
An alfay male.

The Alfay

The Alfay, created by the goddess Almena during the Age of Gods, were created as the first sentient/intelligence race in the world. Created before the Time of Death, the first Alfay were immortal beings. Almena created 1,292 of them - and they flourished in the primordial forests. These first Alfay were sterile - and could not reproduce. Since there was no death, and since they were a sentient species, if their bodies were destroyed, they remained as an incorporeal being.

It wasn't until the second age, the Time of Death, that the Alfay, as they are now, were created. These are extremely long-lived creatures, with an average lifespan of a few thousand years. They don't reproduce much, with the females only ovulating every seventy to one hundred and ten years. Gestation can run almost two years.

Alfay (n)
Alvian (adj) FAYly (ADV)

The Alfay, for lack of a better description, are anthropomorphic gorillas (no tails - even vestigial ones) - who stand upright and are bipedal. They have a light tan to deep brown downy hair that covers their body. Their arms are extremely long, and their legs are short and muscular. The males stand roughly 1.25 - 1.5 trants tall and weigh roughly 6 sacks. The females are smaller, generally standing no more than 1.25 trants tall, and weighing no more than 4 sacks. They are exceptionally strong and agile, and are ultra-intelligent. Their face is more human-like than gorilla, and they sport a hair on their head that is generally dark and worn very long.

Although they reach maturity by the age of 12 or 13, they continue to grow throughout their life. Generally, they gain about 2 St every 100 years and about 20 pouches. It is not uncommon for old Alfay to stand over 2 trants tall and weigh over 10 sacks. The few original Alfay that remain, although they grow slower than the newer Alfay, they are well over 4 trants tall and weigh more than 1.5 wagons.

Alfay are highly attuned to Focus. They can "sense" the use of focus - but are not really users of Focus as many of the other races.
Alfay are strong, agile, and extraordinarily stealthy. They are fierce protectors of their forests. They live in extended family groups, under the control of a patriarch. These are, in turn, ruled by a King - who changes every 500 years, and is generally one of the remaining original Alfay. They build cities deep within the forest - some are quite extensive and extraordinary. Alfay typically remain isolated from the other races. Alfay traders (especially half-Alfay) are often seen in major capital and port cities throughout the lands.

They have a deep rooted hatred of the Quem. This is due to the fact that Quems often raid Alfay forests to capture Alfay for both breeding purposes and as "seeders" for groves of Bloodwood (or an occasional Silverwood).

Only two race combinations produce viable (non-sterile) hybrid offspring. Human/Alfay - which produce a half-breed, generally with more human-like appearance - and an Alfay/Quem breeding which only is successful (albeit in Quem view) when it is between an Alfay Female and a Quem Male. This breeding, which almost always results in the death of the Alfay mother during childbirth, produces a superior Quem (WorshQuem) who are longer lived, smarter, stronger, more agile, and stealthier than the typical Quem. An Alfay Male and Quem female can produce viable offspring - but these are typically killed at birth by Quem. While other Quem hybrids are possible, they are almost always sterile.

Amale middle-aged Threv
Amale middle-aged Threv

The Threv

Threv (n) Threvan (adj) Threvanly (adv)

Created by the god Thodrig during the Time of Death, Threvs were the second sentient race created. They are longer lived than humans, with a typical lifespan roughly 5x a human's, generally 350 to 525 years.

At a distance, it would be easy to mistake a Threv for a small, thick and muscular human. However, on closer examination, the differences are marked and substantial.

Both male and female Threv stand roughly 41 trants tall and weigh, on average, between 277 to 353 pouches. They are typically about 2.5x denser than a human. They can comfortably carry 1.3x their body weight; they can routinely lift 1.5x their body weight, and lift a maximum of 2.5x body weight.

Their skin is rough and jagged. Very stone like with cracks and areas that appear to be a conglomeration of similar small stones. Their faces, however, are not a jagged mosaic, rather they have cracks and folds reminiscent of wrinkles, but still maintains a distinctive "stone" appearance. Their skin color is generally "ground" shades of gray and brown, though there is wide variation, including shades from green, red, blue, white, and black.

Their facial features are predominately human like, with the exception of their eyes, which, unlike oval human eyes, are circular with no cornea, only a colored pupil. Their eyes are protected by an outer eyelid, which blocks all light above the ultraviolet band, and an inner eyelid which blocks light of the ultraviolet and visible spectrums, but allows infrared light to pass through. Threvs can see in multiple spectrums: ultraviolet, visible, and infrared - as well as having the ability to "see" magnetic fields.

Male Threv generally have thick and dense beards that appear lichenous. These beards change color with age, going from a deep hunter green to a light brown, and eventually white.

Their hands are powerful with significant grip strength. Their fingers are comparatively long and thin for the size of their hands. They have no fingernails, but rather like the Quem, they have recessed claws that fully retract into the tips of their fingers. Unlike a Quem's, however, these claws are relatively short. Their hands and fingers are covered in a chitinous substance making them extraordinarily hard - hard enough to easily dig through sedimentary rock.

Their blood, which is thick substance that flows easily. It has a number of unusual properties. It expands and contracts evenly when heated, it does not stick readily to certain surfaces. When combined with blood from the Alfay it can allow the growth of a Silverwood tree. It is also a closely guarded secret, that Threvan blood can serve as a flux, especially in the smelting of Fermium, and in the creation of the explosive compounds.

Threvs do not use Focus. They are not attuned to Focus and, though some Threv have eventually gained limited ability with Focus, Threvs generally disdain its use. Rather, they have set their sights on creating mechanical constructs that serve a somewhat similar function. The design and manufacture of many of their devices are closely guarded secrets.

Threvs are aggressive miners. With their ability to see magnetic fields, they are experts in locating ores underground. Their ability to see in the infrared spectrum, allows them to work underground effectively. Many Threvs are craftsmen and engineers.

They have a deep seated animosity for Quems - who hunt Threvs when they have the chance seeking their wealth, and devices (as well as to occasionally try and germinate a Silverwood tree).

A Shen in its androgynous state
A Shen in its androgynous state

Shen (n) Shenian (adj) Shenly (adv)

The Shen

The third sentient race, the Shen were created by the goddess Shenbriga during the Time of Death. They appear androgynous typically, but can - at their discretion - take on the characteristics of either sex over a period of time. They stand 7 - 8 petite trants tall and weigh approximately 37 - 41 pouches. They have translucent membranous wings which lay flat against their back, and are attached to their upper back.

In many respects they resemble small, generally hairless, humans. The noticeable exception (disregarding the wings) are their eyes which are large and circular, very similar to a Threv in shape but larger in size. Unlike the Threv, however, Shen eyes have a cornea. Like the Threv, the Shen have an inner eye lid. This is transparent rather than translucent, and when closed, allows the Shen to "see" focus; its flow and results. This ability makes them exceptional users of focus.

The Shen are unique within the sphere of sentient races in a number of ways. Firstly, they are the only race with the ability to fly (truly fly as opposed to the White Zanne's wind walking ability). Secondly, the Shen are androgynous in their natural state, but can alter their physiology to assume either sex through a transition process that takes roughly two to three months.

The Shen are long-lived, with a lifespan generally 13x greater than an human, ranging from 910 to 1235 years. The Shen reproduce slowly. Each Shen is born with three eggs. When a Shen mates and decides to become a parent, one of the pair transitions to a female, while the other transitions to a male. Once the female transition is complete, ovulation begins. A female Shen ovulates every eight months - but no more than three times in its lifespan. The male Shen can fertilize any number of eggs.

The Shen are meticulous record keepers, and thus we have significant knowledge concerning their culture and physiology. The chance of successful fertilization of a Shen egg is roughly 40%. If fertilization does occur, ovulation ceases for a minimum of four years. The gestation period is approximately 500 days (+/- 3%). Once born, female Shen will nurse for about two years. The typical Shen female will generally begin to transition back to its androgynous state roughly 18-20 months after giving birth (unless they intend to try immediately for a second child).

The average Shen will give birth to 1.2 children in their life (so the average couple will have 2.4 children over their lifespan). Twins are rare, but do occasionally occur. A Shen who gives birth to 3 children is held in extremely high regard.

While the typical Shen will spend most of its life in the androgynous state, those who co-exist with other sentient races often find it advantageous to assume a defined sex. Most of the time, this is male - especially if the Shen has not ovulated three times. Those Shen who have ovulated three times will tend to make a decision on their outward presentation based on their surroundings and needs.

Historically, a major issue for the Shen has been their declining numbers. With a birth rate of 1.2 per Shen, attrition weighs heavily on the population. It is with the destruction of Jurren-Ta that it appears the Shen suffered such a loss that their civilization, if it still exists, is doomed.

A Zanne-nar (red Zanne) facing a Zanne-bah (ble zanne)
A Zanne-nar (red Zanne) facing a Zanne-bah (ble zanne)

The Zanne (ZAN-AY)

ZANNE (n) ZAYNIAN (adj) ZAyNLY (adv)

The fourth sentient race the Zanne were created by Cerxisa early in the Epoch of Fire. It is said that Marcoll based humans on the Zanne. Almost indistinguishable from humans, Zanne are only marginally shorter than humans with males averaging 142ST and females 138ST. Zanne or lithe and sinewy. Males average 3 sacks while females 2 sacks 30 pouches in weight. They have ears with top points and no earlobes

Zanne society is based on clan tribal structure these tribes known as Janjeeds. These are led by a Majanjeed. All Majanjeeds are subordinate to an Anbass - the leader of a particular type of Zanne (for example the Anboss-Nari is a leader of red Zanne). There are five Anbaas (collectively the Anbassi), who all owe allegiance the supreme ruler of all Zanne, the Alibaas.

The janjeeds are sub-species specific (with tens to hundreds of Janjeeds of any particular type). The organization of the janjeed depends on the sub-species and are either matriarchal, patriarchal, or a meritocracy. There are five sub-species of Zanne.

  • Zanne-Nari (or Red Zanne). Easily identified by their red-hued skin and fiery red hair they generally have piercing green eyes though blue and brown are not uncommon. They have a strong affinity with fire they are unaffected by heat below 342 T and are impervious to natural fire for short periods of time (2 ‚- 5 dashes). They are also able to cause flammable materials to combust through simply their touch if they so desire. Janjeed-Nari are matriarchal.

  • Zanne-Bah (or Blue Zanne). With pale skin, tinged with blue, the Zanne-bah have a close relationship with water. They have hair that ranges from brilliant cerulean to a deep blue-black. Eye color is generally sapphire blue, but purple and black are common as well. The Zanne-bah have the ability to draw water from their environment to sustain themselves (which is especially helpful in the deserts of the Southern Fires). They are also able to hold their breath for almost a full bell and function under extreme pressure while doing so making them very effective at operating in deep waters. It has been theorized that they have a limited ability of respiration through their skin when underwater as some Zanne-Bah have reportedly been able to stay under water for upwards of 8 bells. While they can't talk to marine life, they do have some sort of affinity which enables them to work cooperatively with sea creatures (or at least not be attacked by them). The Zanne-bah are matriarchal.

  • Zanne-Ardi (or Brown Zanne). Have a strong kinship to the land (Trex), the Zanne-Ardi have skin tones which range from chestnut to mocha to deep black. Almost all Zanne-Ardi have auburn hair and deep brown eyes. They have the ability to traverse any ground with east and without leaving any sign of their passage (especially useful in the sandy desert). They also possess the ability to control the density of the ground near them. They can cause small amounts of Trex to gather or disperse. The Zanne-Ardi are the most populous of the five Zanne sub-species. They live in patriarchal Janjeeds.

  • Zanne-Ruhi (or White Zanne) This sub-species lives in patriarchal Janjeeds and have an affinity with the air. They have white, porcelain like skin and exclusively white/platinum hair with grey-smokey eyes. They have the ability to wind-walk as they call it. Even the slightest breeze allows them to swiftly move over any surface without touching it. They also can change the density of the air around them; this allows them to fall/jump from any height without harm. They can also use this ability to climb the air (essentially creating dense air stepping stones). This however is a slow process, and generally they are unable to have more than two stepping stones at any one time making it useful only for themselves. Their ability to change air density also allows them to defelct/avoid objects that are thrown/shot at them.

  • The Zanne-Gom (or Tetrad Zanne). The rarest of the five subspecies of Zanne these typically possess characteristics of two (sometimes four) of the others Zanne subspecies. These are typically (Nari-Ruhi -- red and white) or (Nari-Ardi ‚ red and brown) or (Bah-Ruhi ‚ Blue and White) or (Bah-Ardi ‚ Blue and Brown) other combinations Nari-Bah or Ruhi-Ardi are possible but almost always result in early insanity due to the opposing natures within. These opposing force Tetrads are generally put to death at birth. Rarely a full tetrad is born with all four characteristics. These can be extremely powerful but can also suffer from mental instability. These Zanne-Gom can have skin and hair coloring of any associated Zanne‚ but all Zanne-Gom have bright red eyes. Zanne-Gom, when born, are sent away to be raised by a Zanne-Gom Janjeed ‚Äì which are meritocracies.

Zanne typically have lifespans 2.25x longer than humans. Within Zanne culture, hair styles denote marital status. Most Zanne (male and female) have shaved heads with the following additions:

  • Single Females maintain a shaved head and a left-side pony tail which remains uncut until marriage

  • Married Females shave their left-side pony tail and grow a right-side pony tail.

  • Widowed Females shave their pony-tail, then grow a full head of hair.

  • Females who have a child out of wedlock, regardless of future changes in status will always remain with a totally shaved head

  • Single Males have a shaved head with a high top knot from which they grow a pony tail.

  • Married Males have a low rear pony tail

  • Widower Males wear a full head of hair.

It is acceptable in the Zanne-Ardi and Zanne-Ruhi for mail of any status to keep their head shaved.

Zanne have no special affinity for Focus ‚ but some do take up its study. Most simply rely on their elemental affinity. Zanne are fierce fighters and both male and female train in numerous weapons, though all have basic proficiency in the sword.

Unique to the Zanne is a sword called the Safanni. A specialized weapon that can take years to master. It's use is almost exclusively by the Zanne, given the length of time needed to learn its use, and the scarcity of teachers willing to train a non-zanne in the art. Construction of a Safanni is a secret held by select Zanne swordsmiths.

Safanni have a precise set of measurements and weights to be a true Safanni. The sword itself is a dual-prong sword, suitable for slicing and stabbing. It was also designed to effectively severe a body. It has a special spinal notch‚ where the two curved portions of the blade meet ‚ this notch allows the sword to break/cut the spinal cord. It is said that a Safanni looks like a pair of joined scimitars with blades facing in two directions.

A Safanni is exactly 1 Trant from tip to the top of the hilt. The blade is exactly 0.789 Trants. The distance between the two tips is 0.321 Trants. The crossbar/hilt combination must be 0.211 Trants, and the crossbar must be 0.257 Trants.

Quem Female Warrior
Quem Female Warrior

The Quem (Kwem)

Quem (n) Quemish (adj) QuemLY (adv)

The Quem, created through the combined efforts of the gods Aguren and Tegra, were brought into existence shortly after the Zanne during the early Epoch of Fire, marking them as the fifth sentient race. Aguren had previously attempted to create his own sentient beings, resulting in the creation of the Quash during the Time of Death. These enormous and powerful giants were deemed a failure by both Aguren and Brinta.

Tegra convinced Aguren to create the Quem with what he felt were the optimum aspects of the other races. Generally human in overall structure, they are a race taller than the Zanne, the upper body strength

and mobility of the Alfay. The strong, powerful legs and recessed claws (both hand and foot) like the Threv.

Quem possess three fingers and a thumb, each equipped with a recessed claw that can extend to become a formidable weapon. Their build is imposing, with massive shoulders, elongated arms, short legs, and a relatively small waist. They carry their heads forward on short necks, which contributes to their distinct appearance. The thick skull of a Quem features a pronounced central ridge and large brow ridge, with wicked, fang-like canines that protrude downward due to a pronounced overbite. Their skin tones range from light brown to red.

Quem reproduce rapidly, with a gestation period of just five months, and they typically have multiple births, ranging from two to five offspring at a time. However, their high infant mortality rate results in a true survival-of-the-fittest scenario. Quem mature by the age of 13 and have the shortest lifespan of any sentient race, averaging just over 56 years. They are also among the tallest races, second only to the Goeb.

Quem society is clan-based, with clan affiliation determined by the calendar under which a Quem is born, rather than by parentage. The Quem calendar is unique and may be confusing to outsiders. It consists of eight days in a week, with each week corresponding to a Moon. Eight Moons form a Sky, and eight Skys (plus a six-day festival) make up a Hunt, which is equal to 7 solar years. Hunts follow the pattern: Wolf, Bear, Panther, Dragon, Fist, Spear, Sword, Shay. Eight Hunts make up a Generation, and eight Generations (Cloud, Stone, Tree, River, Wind, Mountain, Forest, Sea) form a Woutjangjem, a term used by the Quem to describe the time when Focus reshapes the world, equating to 3584 solar years. According to Quem belief, the world will end at the conclusion of the 8th Age, which is 28,762 solar years from the Quem year 1.

Upon birth, Quem infants are passed to the clan, tribe, and house determined by the day they are born, with no ties to their birth parents. For example, a Quem born during the 6th Hunt, 5th Sky, and 2nd Moon would belong to the Clan of Spear, Tribe of Fist, and House of Bear. This structure is integral to their society and helps maintain their cultural identity.

The overall structure of Quem society is organized under two primary WarClans: Poison Spear and Cracked Fist. Within these WarClans are the individual Clans, with every Quem born during a Hunt being a member of that specific Clan. Based on the Sky within the Hunt, they are assigned to a specific house within the Clan. This structure ensures that each Quem has a defined place in their society, deeply rooted in their cultural and spiritual beliefs.


The Human

Human (n) Human (adj) HumanLY (adv)

The sixth sentient race, Humans were created by the god Marcoll during the Age of Demons, roughly in the year 12,290 (GR). It is said that Marcoll based humans on the Zanne. Humans have proved to be the most prolific race on Trexlin, having claimed hundreds of thousands of trufields of land. Unlike most of the other sentient races, humans have divided themselves along distinct population centers, with distinct cultural traditions. Having been around for a little less than 10,000 years, humans have succeeded where other races have not - in the explosive growth and dominance of the world.

The Goeb

Created by Hev during the Time of Shadows, the Goeb are the youngest of the seven major sentient races. In actuality, Hev did create a predecessor race during the Age of Gods (See ICE BRUTES for details).

The Goebs are generally human-like in their overall appearance. They are tall, completely hairless, extremely muscular, with thick heavy, leathery skin. Their skin is somewhat comparable to rhinoceros hide. This helps in combat, but it also provides insulation and a degree of imperviousness in colder climates. It does, however, have the opposite effect in the heat - as it doesn't sweat much - so very hard for Goebs to regulate their body temperature in hot and dry climates. Feature-wise, Goebs resemble tall, muscular humans.

Goebs are much taller than humans. Males typically stand between 175 - 200 St tall while females are shorter (but still taller than most humans) standing 150 - 177 St. Males weigh between 313-423 pouches and females, lighter at 228-343 pouches. They have lifespans slightly greater than 2x a humans (225 - 330 years).

Goebs hands (4 fingers and a thumb) are large and thick. It tends to make fine/intricate work difficult. Goebs have a close relationship with Focus. While they posses no unique skill or ability in Focus, it is a cultural component of their civilization. All Goebs are introduced to the principles or focus early on, and all maintain a basic understanding and limited use of focus. Surprisingly, the number of dedicated / skilled Goeb practitioners of focus is roughly (percentage wise) the same as found in general human population.

Goebs are very social, and live in extended family groups. They proudly adorn their neck, arms, legs, and chest with intricate tattoos representing their family affiliations along with notable family and personal milestones. Most of the designs are abstract geometrical designs. Goebs have a strict honor code, with honor being more valuable than one's life, although the code can be confusing or difficult to understand for non-Goebs. A fundamental canon is that no Goeb may intentionally harm (physically) another Goeb. Goeb-v-Goeb War/violence has never been recorded.

Goebs are accomplished fighters, and even with their huge size, they make formidable assassins. This is why many nobles have Goeb bodyguards. A Goeb bodyguard ensures that the protected is not threatened by a possible Goeb assassin. Goebs live and die by their honor and their word; they are extremely loyal.

Goebs are also lovers of art. Their culture reveres artists, especially those who produce small/fine/detailed works. This is likely due to the fact that such works are extremely difficult for a Goeb to produce, and thus are deemed valuable.

Goebs can mate with some races and produce viable (non-sterile) offspring: Humans, Alfay, Zanne, and Quem. However, as most Goebs prefer the northern (cold) weather climates - and the bulk of the population live within the Northern Mountains and Ice Fields - it limits the number of half-breeds.

GOEB (n) Goebian (adj) Goebly (adv)

Race Comparison Chart

Note: Alfay continue to grow throughout their left. They grow roughly 1 Str per 25 years, and add roughly 10 pouches every 25 years.